Where has the time gone? We have been open for just over a month, and I am still catching up with the day to day running of the shop. I am not going to lie, it has taken a little bit of getting used to working with the new COVID measures in place.. The amount of times I have bashed my head on the protective till screen is ridiculous! 🙂 Over all though, I feel confident in the measures we have in place to keep you and us safe. I know from feedback you feel that our shop is a really safe place to shop in, and that makes it all worthwhile. Today saw the start of having to wear face coverings in all shops – this is the next hurdle we have to overcome as a small retail business. (If you need face covers we have a selection of handmade ones in store and these manufactured ones available here https://magpiesnest.co.uk/product/rainbow-heart-face-covers/ ) I don’t really know what to expect from it, but I am sure everyone will be understanding and be patient with each other as we get used to another change to the way in which we shop.
We have been busy bringing in lovely things to brighten and cheer you up after months of staying inside and not being able to shop. We have had a seasonal focus on under the sea this month as it is summer and many of you won’t be able to go away for holidays so we wanted to bring the ocean to Stalybridge! https://magpiesnest.co.uk/product-category/in-store-seasonal/ This is possibly our favourite window to date with the main attraction being the giant Jellycat octopus we are raffling off to raise money for local charity Reuben’s Retreat https://www.reubensretreat.org/ Tickets are £1 each of 12 for £10 the raffle will be drawn live on facebook on 1st August. We also brought in some fun Jellycat Creatures to add to the theme, these are here with us for a short time, so grab them while you can! https://magpiesnest.co.uk/?s=jellycat&post_type=product
Our environmental Magpies came up with a brilliant idea this month as well, regarding hand sanitizer refills. This is another new staple for your handbag along with the face covering, but it seemed so wasteful and expensive to keep buying a new bottle every time you run out. We already have started to see disposable face coverings along the canal path on our way into the shop. Our environment group were discussing this when they hit on the idea of offering a refill service. This will not only reduce the need to keep chucking out empty bottle but it will also save our customers money as getting your bottles refilled is A LOT cheaper than keep buying new bottles. This is only available in store, but just bring in your empties and we will refill them for you.
We are still offering FREE same day delivery on all orders received online or by phone received before 3pm Mon – Sat. This is to help those of you who are not able to, or simply don’t want to go out to the shops yet. Plus it gets Mr Magpie out of our feathers for a few hours each day! The shop hours are Mon – Sat 9am – 5.30pm, thanks as ever for your support and patience, see you soon Liz x