I have been meaning to write this blog since our first week of reopening on the 15th June. I haven’t had time because thankfully we have been busy with customers coming in and this has meant I have needed to get more stock into the shop. A nice problem to have after months of having the shutters down! I wanted to firstly thank all our customers who have been supporting Magpies Nest during lockdown. Every single website order, social media interaction, recommendation and feedback has been greatly received and has enabled us to keep ticking over. I wanted to thank those of you who stepped out of your comfort zones to order online or over the phone – that meant a lot. We are going to be continuing to offer our free same day Tameside delivery, so if you are not able to come out yet then you can still shop online or over the phone with us.
During lock down I don’t think you can help but reflect, and having restrictions really made me think about what is important to the business. The answer is simple; it’s you our customers and the community in which we are a part of. As a business Magpie’s Nest has always supported charities and good causes through donations and fundraising. The question really was what we could do while we were closed to support the local community during lock down. I was very aware as I am sure many people were of the key workers who were going into work each day, putting themselves and families at risk. I decided I wanted to give a thank you gift to key workers locally. Simply to let them know that they were appreciated especially during lock down. We set to work wrapping and packing up some scarves and then delivered them locally each week during lock down. In total we donated over £1,000 to local key workers and wished we could have done more. A couple of our awesome customers asked to partner with us and added to, or paid for extra donations to be made to places they wanted to thank key workers as well, which was such a lovely gesture and we absolutely loved making these deliveries. Now lock down measures are easing, and things are slowly getting back to normal we don’t want to just stop with our community engagement. We have a joint fundraiser planned for July which will benefit a local charity. If you work with a community group or charity group locally to Stalybridge or Tameside please get in touch, let us know what you do and what you need – there might be a way we can help. For now though it’s back to business for us with the only change to our opening times being hat we will now close all day on Sunday. Thank you again to everyone for their support, and custom and we hope to be able to continue to serve you for your gifts, handbags and accessories for the rest of this pandemic and for many more years to come.