New Fast Fashion Range & The History of British Handbags
We have been busy this last week in the nest, we started off the week with a staff product knowledge day. This was kindly led by one of our lovely reps who really knows his stuff when it comes to leather handbags, and what he doesn’t know, isn’t worth knowing!
The session was really interesting, with us being able to have a look at different types of leather and find out about the processes and production techniques used to create the leather bags we sell. We were also very fortunate to have the chance to look at some very exotic vintage handbags during the session, which was amazing, my favourite was the snakeskin evening bag.
It was fascinating to learn about the evolution of handbags from some of the early uses through to the modern day. One of the bags we had a look at was a synthetic bag from about the 1970’s made by Weymouth American it was lovely,and had lasted as well as some of the leather ones we saw.
On the subject of synthetics (smooth link don’t you agree?) we have also just added a “fast fashion” range of handbags into the nest, following on from feedback from some of our customers we know sometimes you just want to add a splash of colour to an outfit without spending a lot. The new range from David Jones offers some lovely styles and colours with an amazing average price of £23 per bag, you can have a little look online
Samples of different types of Hide.
Sheep Skin Bag, with embossing to look like Ostrich.
The snakeskin evening bag, Liz loves.