Saturday 2nd May will see months of work behind the scenes come together as we proudly launch our first ever range for Leukaemia & Lymphoma Research. As many of you know we have supported this charity since we opened our doors and with your help have raised over £2,000 in 2 years.
This year rather than repeat previous fundraising efforts we wanted to do something different so we got our thinking caps on and decided to source a range specifically for the charity, where we could give a larger amount to them.
We are really pleased with the collection, its on trend with beautiful floral prints that have been seen in the larger fashion houses. This floral theme works, because of the obvious connection to summer, but also linking in with the charities logo. The range consists of a tote bag, shoulder bag, matching purses, 2 scarves, and a simple necklace and earring set. The idea behind the range is that it will be available all through the summer, or until it (hopefully) sells out.
You can get a first glance at the range on Saturday 2nd May when we unveil the collection at the shop and we will be having a few other fundraising activities going on throughout the day. This will also be the first “Official” outing for the Mag mobile, so if you want to have a closer look at her, this would be a good time to visit the Nest!
Our gift range continues to grow with the arrival of beautifully indulgent handmade bath truffles and fun funky soaps,all of which are fully EU Certified and insured and come with a full list of INCI / Allergen information and batch numbers, giving you peace of mind. I used one this week and was really impressed with the quality and luxurious feel on the rose & jasmine bath truffle.