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Mother’s Day

Today many of us will be spending the day socially distanced with our mums, step mums, or grandparents as we celebrate Mothering Sunday. Mothering Sunday is always on the fourth Sunday during Lent. The day has become more commercial and has moved away from its religious connections. Today we celebrate Mother’s Day with the buying of gifts and usually the day is a family day. Due to the Lockdown restrictions I cant spend the day with my mum, so we met up this morning and went for a walk round the town centre, which was nice to spend time with her but would have been nicer indoors with a pot of tea!!

This years celebrations are once again a little strange as we find ourselves a year on and still not being able to see those we care about properly. Hopefully the end is in sight and we will soon be able to give our loved ones a giant big hug and go for a meal out together. This year as a business we have once again had to change and adapt how we operate and the products available to you our customers. The team at the Nest have all worked really hard this week creating boxes, wrapping and curling ribbons, planning delivery routes. Its been a real team effort this week and I wanted to thank them all for their help. We are fortunate that we have a website which has enabled our customers to be able to continue to purchase their gifts online. The main problem with internet shopping is that unless you know exactly what you are looking for, it can be very hard to find inspiration. The joy of walking round a shop and spotting something that is just the right thing for mum does not translate to online shopping. So this year we launched our Mother’s Day gift boxes. These proved popular as it gave our customers the opportunity to specify how much they wanted to spend and what sort of product’s or colours went into each box.

For other’s Mother’s Day can be a hard day, especially for those whose mum has passed away, or for those that don’t have a relationship with their mum. We had been asked to make some boxes for customers to open who no longer have their mum. These boxes were incredibly personal to create and we felt really honoured to have been asked to make these boxes up. I hope that all the boxes we created brought a smile to people’s faces and remined people of the love that surrounds them.

Lets hope that next year things will be a little bit more normal, and we can go shopping in shops and choose gifts ourselves.