This week I wanted to update you on some of the community work we have been doing over the last few months. You might remember from previous blogs, that as a business I think its really important that we give back to our local community, whether that is through money or our time. You will know that we recently completed a Midnight wander in store, but in addition to this I have been using my “community time” (Our community time is when each member of our team gathers time that we pay them for, but rather than work their shift in the shop they get paid to work doing something in the local community.) to help our with the local foodbank “Bartys Food Bank” Barty’s food bank is run by local legend Steven Barton and his lovely lady Simone.
I have never met anyone with as much energy and dedication to trying to make a difference for local people, especially children. Steve set up a food bank in a metal cabin based on the labour club car park. They give out as many as 40 food parcels a week, sometimes even more. One of the things they needed some help with was making deliveries as some people were not in a position to come into Stalybridge to collect a emergency food package. I offered the services of our mag mobile, and for the last few months each Wednesday morning I do their local deliveries. As I have got to know Steve and Simone I have been humbled by how they want to try to help others. Its not just food either, Steve will source furniture, clothes anything that someone might need. Steve is currently looking for donations to his Christmas toy appeal, he is looking for band new toys unwrapped that can be given to parents for them to wrap and give to their children on Christmas day. Should anyone like to make a donation you can drop them in at the shop.

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