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Jayne Raises Money for Hospice with Calendar Sales

You may remember in December (I know it seems like ages ago already!!) local lady Jayne Bradbury created the extremely popular Stalybridge Calendar. Jayne is a keen photographer and is super passionate about Stalybridge. She regularly posts beautiful picture all of which are taken in the town. Jayne will be the first to tell you that she loves the town and she enjoys taking picture of it, whether its some of the stunning architecture or beautiful wildlife – looking at Jaynes pictures always remind me how lucky we are to live and work here. I follow various Stalybridge groups on Facebook and came across a post from Jayne with her friend Maggie Walker encouraging her to turn her pictures into a Calendar. Straight away there was a lot of people interested. So Jayne agreed to make the calendars, and give the profits from the sales to Willow Wood Hospice. Myself and Marie from Four Seasons Flowers on Grosvenor Street offered to be distribution points for the calendars.

I knew that people would be keen to have them, but I couldn’t believe how many boxes we went through each week! – I don’t think Jayne could either 🙂 After selling these all through December Jayne raised a massive total of £2562 from the sales of the Calendars. Such a wonderful thing to do, and for such a worthy local cause.

Following from the popularity of the Stalybridge Calendar, we have persuaded Jayne to print some of her favourite Stalybridge photos onto mugs, coasters and greetings cards which we will sell for her year round in the handmade shop upstairs. Not only did Jayne’s calendar raise money for Willow Wood, it has also raised a little pride in Stalybridge with people wanting to send friends and relatives Stalybridge memorabilia as gifts.

Well done to Jayne for being brave enough to make the calendar and on raising such a fabulous amount of money!