Hello, and apologies for the lateness of this update. It has been super busy in the shop and café these last two weeks with new stock arriving, seasonal displays to create and of course trying to do all this while we are having building work is quite the challenge! Speaking of the building work, you will have noticed if you have called in recently that the café has been having some work, and we now have new lighting and a beautiful fireplace. The fireplace was never part of the original plans, however when we were doing work on the basement we found this old fireplace slung in a corner, hidden under mountains of rubbish. I knew as soon as I saw it I wanted to keep it in the building and use it somewhere. So I set about restoring it as best I could, and it now sits pride of place in the café. We are very nearly finished on the building work now, with the brand new kitchen fully installed and just have the last few jobs to do, which includes a tweak to the counter and a new room, which will be ideal for small gatherings. We will be launching a new menu once everything is completed.

The shop has also been very busy as our beautiful new Easter stock arrived, this year we have a really fresh vibrant rang that is really good value too.https://magpiesnest.co.uk/product-category/easter/ However we haven’t had too much time to focus on this range as it’s all been about Mother’s day. Our theme this year was “You are my sunshine” and we have used sunflowers and bright yellows. These colours really stand out after the dark gloomy Winter, and sunflowers make us smile. When we think of our mums we think of the happy moments we have shared and smile.. so that was our link and thought process for this year! Mother’s Day can be a hard time for some people so we wanted to focus on happy memories as well as the obvious Mother’s Day message. Should you need any Mother’s Day items we do have a beautiful range of cards and gifts, and we will be open on Mothering Sunday for any last minuet Larry’s!! https://magpiesnest.co.uk/product-category/mothers-day-seasonal/
Looking towards next week, we have got new stock arriving which we know you are going to love… we will keep you updated on socials. Have a lovely week, and we hope to see you soon xx