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April Showers, Bambi, Mary & the Finance Magpie.

This month its all about fabulous umbrellas at the Nest.


We like to keep things seasonal and when it came to figuring out what we were planning to do for the store theme for this month I decided to do some “research”. By research I meant I watched Bambi and Mary Poppins. These two Disney films both feature umbrellas and it was legitimate time spent watching these movies. After watching  and gorging on popcorn and making very detailed notes. I had come up with the best window display idea I have ever had. I was going to get Bambi to come with Mary Poppins and hang out in the window modelling umbrellas. Genius! I pitched my window idea to the Finance Magpie.. as for what I had planned I would need some more budget- celebrities like these are not cheap to ship over for a month. He said no. I offered to drop Mary, after all she’ll need proper food and I imagine she would be more demanding, besides Bambi is cuter. Can you believe he still said no?! Something about budgets and livestock. I made him watch this section of Bambi and he was still not moved. Some people have no creative vision!


You can indulge in a little Bambi time and even sing along here:

To summarise this month if you would like a new umbrella to battle the April showers, do visit the Nest. We have gorgeous strong Gallerias, Fantastic Fulton’s that have a Royal warrant, and some classic gent’s umbrellas. We do not have Bambi. or Mary Poppins.



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